2024-2025 Paraeducator Training - Spring
Section: PARA20250002
Migrant Lifestyles
WSD staff will learn how families qualify for the Migrant Education Program, what barriers and struggles migratory students and families face, and who in their building can help support.

Denial, Deliberation, and the Decisive Moment: How to train your brain to react more effectively in an emergency.
Contrary to the common perception of people panicking and stampeding during a disaster, it is more common to deny a disaster is happening. Our brains tend to interpret information as if it is part of our everyday experience. Because of this, people tend to underestimate both the likelihood of an emergency and the severity of its possible effects. We will learn how to quickly move through denial and deliberation to the decisive moment we take action. Action that can save our lives and the lives of those around us. Learn how fighter pilots, football players, and law enforcement train to remove themselves from chaos, find clarity, and make split-second decisions. Increase your understanding of the Standard Response Protocol, see how it helps you react to an emergency, and learn strategies to help you perform under pressure. 

Boundary Invasion Training
Protecting students from inappropriate conduct by adults, protecting staff from unintentional inappropriate conduct and identifying when a behavior or action might be crossing the line.

Understanding Autism: Characteristics and Strategies for Challenging Behavior 
This comprehensive course is aimed at support staff who work with and without students with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). Participants will explore the typical characteristics of learners with ASD and delve into the various ways in which the disorder manifests in different individuals. The course emphasizes recognizing and maximizing the unique strengths of students with ASD while also providing effective strategies to support those who may exhibit challenging behaviors. Key topics will include identifying and implementing elements of classroom structure that benefit all learners, including those with and without autism. 

  • event
    8:00 AM to 2:00 PM
    Wenatchee High, Various
To earn clock hours, participants must sign rosters and complete the evaluation below within 7 work days of last session.

This course is not open for enrollment.
Enrichment Safety
Elementary Middle High Preschool
Classified Para