SafeSchools Training 2023-2024 (Includes .5 CCDEI Hours)

Section: SAFE20240007


Responses: 102

"Good reminders"
"Excellent content, easy to remember strategies "
"Good information"
"Content was relevant."
"It can be done in the time available to each person and be able to learn at the pace of each individual."
"Too much repetition "
"I liked how the course was self paced. "
"Always good refresher"
"all the additional new trainings and updated information"
"Broad application"
"Covers multiple topics "
"Educational "
"Multiple choice questions, easy"
"Equity definitions."
"Good review"
"Flexible training"
"Well laid out videos."
"New videos from the past 10 years! :) "
"New material presented through SafeSchools"
"Good reminders"
"Clear and on the point."
"Good information that applies to school settings "
"can independently complete the course."
"A lot of redundant information in an easy to access manner. Can do it on my own time. "
"I love this program"
"All the trainings are laid out at once and it is easy to see how much time each will take. "
"Some of the information has been updated."
"Relevant content applicable to teaching position. "
"Can do this at own pace when able to. This is very nice."
"Good content"
"Quick easy videos"
"I like to have the reviews for safe schools each year."
"New content was great "
" Easy to use interface"
"clear expectations"
"I can do it at my own pace."
"Good review"
"Easy. Repetitive."
"Medication training "
"Good Knowledge"
"Ability to complete on my own"
"Helped me understand the various aspects that need to be looked into at a school setting."
"easy access"
"Great information "
"Good reminder this is a yearly training for me. "
"Self paced"
"After taking this training I feel more prepared to take action when a emergency happen or other situations."
"It’s good to get a yearly reminder of all the safety protocol."
"Good, general coursework for new and advancing paras."
"Great trainings!"
"Physical demonstrations, engaging content"
"Very good training"
"Clear questions and opportunity to respond"
"I liked some of the newer trainings (LGBTQ+, Fire Extinguisher)"
"self paced"
"easy to do on my own time"
"Great content."
"Easy to navigate and understand "
"Went over plenty of information of how to act during a working environment."
"I like how we practiced what was being taught and we were always encouraged to share our experiences from the classrooms."
"The material included in the program is adequate for my job. Good review. "
"I am able to go back and review if needed."
"This training has resources and visuals."
"Good Information"
"I really appreciate the newly added LGBTQ+ education! So important for our district!"
"The instructors knew the materials really well and made sure we knew exactly what to do."
"Online content is easy to access"
"Great pacing and relevant content."
"Easy to follow."
"The addition of the LGBTQ section"
"Can be done remotly"
"I will be able to apply the strategies I ready learned."
"Brief but effective "
"Role play "
"Good basic content for review. "
"online format"
"It gets required information out to everyone."
" N/A"
"Online and easy to follow. "
"I think the information helps staff be more consistent in their implementation of the goals to be more inclusive of students."
"Easy to use"
"They do know the material"
"good content"
"It is important to review this material."
"The information that was shared"
"Can do on my own time."
"New courses"
Responses: 91

"An in person presentation would have allowed for interaction "
"Keep it the way it is."
"Not at this moment."
"Allow participants to take the test first. If they pass don’t require the course.."
"When the online modules load have the right set, because I am one that will always do them asap, also laid them sooner in August, this year was really late and my year school year was already rolling, and prefer to get them done beforehand "
"Please create an option for employees that have done this for year after year that doesn't make them have to sit through the entire thing each year. I literally watched zero seconds of the videos, clicking through until I was allowed to take the quizzes which I passed all on my first attempt. There has to be an option available for us that have done this almost 20 years. Each year we have additional modules to complete and many of them are now longer. "
"some were too long"
"For the LGBTQ+ lesson, many teachers are not fully paying attention or not doing it. This may require more specific training in order for us to fully support our students who are LGBTQ+"
"I am so angry that we replaced suicide training with LGTBQ training. I think that this safeschools training was a total waste of time and I cannot believe that I had to spend 40 minutes of my time on a marginal group that already receives so much of my unwarranted attention. There are SO many staff members that are very unhappy and disgruntled with the lack of communication, punishment for one persons mess up, and increased political workload for teachers. Please keep safeschools training about important medical or safety issues for all. "
"I wish there were some way to just take the tests and skip the videos each year. Watching new videos is fine, but the same thing, year after year, is grueling. "
"I don't know if some of the material we review annually can be pushed to a 2-3 year review rather than every year? That would be helpful to focus on the new material presented through SafeSchools. "
"It would be great if we could interact somehow through at least one module"
"Some of these trainings have remained the same for years. I wonder if perhaps some could be required at less frequent intervals (for example, every two or three years instead of yearly). "
"I want all professional development to be like this! "
"Not having to take certain courses that are not useful"
"Add changing material for yearly requirement. "
"Some of the videos are very long and repetitive"
"Shorten version for those who take it every year"
"It would be nice to have a safe schools section on keeping students with disabilities safe. With inclusive learning, teachers could benefit from strategies to keep these students safe."
"We need to be given 4 hours to complete because it takes that long every year to complete"
"every other year"
"Content is repeated year over year"
"Some are too long"
"The Making Schools Safe and Inclusive for LGBTQ+ Students section needs to be broken down into smaller pieces. There was so much information that it was hard to absorb all the information."
"More courses on emergency management"
"Instructors primarily read from power point slides during presentation times. To improve interest and engagement, don't read from power point slides, just use them as a resource."
"Extended the due date"
"I could read the slides much more quickly than listening to the audio and wish they were an option to move forward faster. "
"An option to test out of the training would save a lot of time. "
"No suggestions!"
"Having a designated break time."
"needs to be structured around maintenance more then student"
"In-person training without quizzes will be a great option. "
"not at the moment"
"Re-evaluate topics. LGBTQ was mentioned in bullying and in the previous Suicide Prevention topic. Discontinue the 40 min. of LGBTQ and restore the Suicide Prevention topic which could cover all students."
"Need more time. "
"None "
"Make sure everything is on there you want us to to take and not extra "
"Make sure everything is on there you want us to to take and not extra "
"Give us clock hours and pay us for the time."
"Training shouldn't be exactly the same from previous years. Even if the information has to be the same it could at least be presented in a different way."
"I would love to have a copy of the sentence frame cards she showed us towards the end of class."
"no suggestions"
"Maybe we can have a first aid training with videos or ways to discalate situations with students who have big behaviors."
"It was a lot great material, but I feel like it was a lot of information in a short amount of time. It might be better if it was a 2 day course"
"We should be able to just take the test at the end. If we pass it then we don't need to retake the exact same course every year. It is an insult to our intelligence and a waste of our time. "
"Please make this a once every two year training. Most of this material is the same year after year, and doesn't need constant repetition."
"It would be nice if there was an option to "test out" of modules if we've done Safe Schools over and over again for years. Do they offer a pre-test option that would allow us to skip modules we're extremely familiar with?"
"If pass the exam at the end, we already know the material. It seems time consuming to rewatch the same videos from prior years."
"add teacher review of the overall program.teacher"
"Let us take the quizzes first, if we pass then we can skip the videos, which mind you nobody watches anyway we literally all turn them on, mute them, and let them run until they end so we can just get through them! Taking the same training year after year seems redundant to me!"
"None all the content is aplicable."
"Quizzes are pointless "
"These are torture - especially when you have to watch the same ones year after year after year. 3.5 hours feels like 30 hours. I've heard other districts can 'challenge' them if you've taken them before. "
" Allow people to take the test and be done. If you can show that you know the material you should NOT have to sit through the same video every year. "
"If we are going to include LGTBQ+, we should also include the community of faith. "
"Seems like we (M&O) had more training modules in the past. Feels like we are missing a few this year. "
"Could a staff member just take the test and if they do not pass - then take the course? "
"It is so much repetition every year"
"People who have done this before should have a quicker review. In some cases, there is information that is really not relevant for teachers. This could be cut for teachers, if we could differentiate. Please tell us in advance that time will be provided later in the year. Many people do this in the summer, but it would have been nice to know."
"Fire extinguisher safety seemed a bit of a stretch"
Responses: 51

"Not at this moment."
"None. "
"None "
"Why can't we have more district allotted time to do this. If this mandated but we are given planning/prep time to complete...which happens to be the exact time my evaluator is pressing us for PLC work that is documented, instead of having a day where we receive a training that ends up having almost no impact on our teaching, my question is: Why can't we have a half day before school starts to sit with staff for 3 hours to try and knock SOME of these out?"
"Is there anyway finishing the courses and scoring a high percentage on the exams could be valid for more than a year? "
"Thank you for your time"
"I was one of those who completed the SafeSchools training before the hours adjusted. What, if any, allowances will be made for that?"
"I’m wondering if there’s a reason we’re not allowed to read the contents without having to go at the time and place of the audio?"
"These are great training for us"
"Would you consider diversity and inclusion training in the future?"
"When do we get trainings about CPR. a"
"Every year there are more and more modules for Safe Schools. Can this process be streamlined a little? Much of the content is redundant. "
"Is it possible to take the exam first and if pass we don't have to go through the material that we have already seen for many years?"
"so long?"
"There were some differences between the Boundary Invasion video and the LGBTQ+ video and that caused some confusion."
"N/A "
"Why can't we differentiate this for newbies and veterans or teachers and administrators?"
Responses: 66

"Thank you for the refresher of information."
"Not at this moment. "
"The amount that we have to do every year is honestly getting too much. "
"Deberia haber versiones en español del material. "
"While I support DEI initiatives (mostly), the LGBTQ+ section needs to be cleaned up. There is no need to get into the intricacies of sexual preferences and choices. We don't have a section on outlining the differences of each of the religious groups we have in the WSD, going over their individual beliefs. Making staff do such a section only creates more tension and overlapping political weight. As a social studies teacher, I am already accused of indoctrination and baseless accusations on the weekly, this is another layer of fuel to that fire. "
"Thank you!"
"It's all a good reminder even if we've heard it before."
"The training took longer than the 3.5 hours allotted for it."
"I think that it is ridiculous to do a 30min training on the LGTBQ community. Knowing what each letter represents and that people within that community get bullied is not needed knowledge for my position. Everyone is abled to be bullied for a plethora of reasons and we already do a safe schools training on bullying which should be succinct enough. I completed the training although it goes against my own religious values and beliefs. I sincerely hope that we could remove this additional 30 minutes of our time (which aren't accurately represented in the available clock hours for this course) and understand that all people are capable of being persecuted against but all people also deserve to be treated with respect and dignity."
"Wish I could take the test first & skip video"
"We were given and hour and half to do this training during contract hours. That is impossible and therefore we worked without pay."
"Thank you for this opportunity"
"Most of all training where great except some that I don't think it applies to certain people"
"Why can't we take the test first and if we pass, get the certificate?"
"We need to be given 4 hours to complete because that is how long it takes "
"Thank you for the good instruction."
"I've taken this course over 20 times."
"love safe school"
"more training like this"
"40 min for LGBTQ? That was over the top. There was nothing on suicide prevention. I disliked being told what to say if a student shares their gender preference. Obviously there's a relationship already established and instructing teachers what to say was irritating. "
"Thank you for giving us clock hours for this."
"Thank you for the Training."
"Incredibly long. Took more than 3 hours."
"This course was mostly a reminder for me but I appreciated the opportunity to reinforce what I already learned in the past and to hear what others have to share. I would have liked more instruction in small group settings since the paras mostly work with small groups. Unfortunately, it was the last topic on her agenda."
"Seems like too much time spent on harassment, bullying, etc. Very important information, but it seems redundant. Could be combined into a longer, single module."
"Thank you!"
"Loved the inclusion of safe spaces for LBTQ+ students."
" I really appreciate the strategies I learned."
"None "
"Many of the videos say "find out your district's policy" .... isn't that why we are watching them? If we have to go through these - they should at least be about 'our' district's policies. "
" No "
"Great information to review every year. "
"I think the new video was excessively long."
"It's hard to get excited about a repetative online training, but I guess I understand why it's necessary"