2022-2023 Principal/District Day - PIONEER

Section: INST20230014


Responses: 16

"we did get a little bit of time to go over the starting days"
"time frame and content"
"The teaching strategies that the presenters modeled."
"Love our new principal, Jacquelyn Estephan!"
"Jaqueline Estephan did an amazing job connecting with staff and clearly communicating goals our building and district has for this year! Shelly Jelsing did a great job clarifying safety protocols as well as our PBIS teach-tos to ensure staff are all on the same page. "
"Connection building"
"The focus on the upcoming year and PLC's"
"Good teaching methods"
"Strengthening our commitments to our goals."
"Very engaging and focused on community building within the PIO staff. "
"Strong team building strategies "
"It was very well done and felt like everything we talked about I could easily apply it to my classroom."
"Everything was great!"
"Great team building. As a new teacher it gave ample opportunity to begin meeting other teachers and understanding the school culture"
"One and one-half days is not enough for Principals to cover all of the nuts and bolts."
"Meeting the staff/team building. "
Responses: 13

"Next time prepare us for the students. We can do the PLC work as after school starts. We really needed to get ready for kids. I am not just talking about individual time I mean as a whole staff we did not get enough time to prepare for start up. There were several things we needed to cover and didn't have time for because we were focusing on how to work together as a team. This is important, but is a year long process. We needed the right now. "
"Parking and seating were difficult. We need to have a bigger fa cility with more room for parking"
"I wish our PD days throughout the year were flex, not show for dough....I thought the point was to compensate for time worked outside our contract, not to do additional work."
"Please have another day. 2’days of meetings did not allow anytime to meet with our content or grade level teams!! "
"Some time allotted with PLC team would be valuable."
"More PLC time if possible. "
"I wish we had more time during the PLC segment to practice with our teams."
"Breakout times for new teachers would be beneficial. We have so many smaller practical issues to deal with that some time with curriculum coaches or an assistant principal could be.a good use of our time."
"More time dedicated to school wide systems "
"Being able to have time to set-up classrooms and time with individual teams. "
Responses: 5

Responses: 8

"loved every minute of it and took a lot of notes that I am already using to plan "
"Enjoyed the lunch and the community building. Also you kept us on task!"
"I valued the community building time. Thank you!"
"Overall, it was a good two days. I learned quite a bit."