2022-2023 Adventures in 3rd Grade Science (STEM)

Section: SCI20230001


Responses: 6

"Learning about science notebooks"
"The fish hatchery experience was great! It really helped me understand more about salmon. "
"Details necessary to have a successful unit where shared"
"Excellent training!! Thank you for time-sheeting us for our time. Thank you for the collaborative work with all who were involved. It was a great 3 days! I appreciate everyone’s effort to make the learning relative and helpful as we enter this school year more prepared to teach science!"
"Presenters. Joan & Jen are wonderful."
"very helpful--thank you"
Responses: 1

"I think this should be offered to all K-5 grade teachers. I think it is a reminder to veteran teachers on how to teach the units especially with changes and obviously, such a huge support for new teachers."
Responses: 1

"I forgot to ask if the Science kits will be sent to each teacher or just team leaders?? Is there a schedule if when they are sent out?"
Responses: 3

"Thank you for a partnering with great community members to be able to teach teachers. "
"I appreciate the opportunity to have this training."
"Thank you for 3 days of science learning!"