2020-2021 Math Foundations: Kinder-2nd Grade (STEM Hours) - Einstein

Section: MATH20210004


Responses: 12

"Group collaboration time"
"Applies to what I am currently teaching and I gained understanding of mathematic fluency."
"Collaborating with other 2nd grade teachers. Learning new math talk sites and math games."
"I was able to find some games that I could play with my kinders. "
"games! that we actually played"
"All of the learning games and talking within small groups allowed me to see how others will be using the same strategies."
"The first session was the best one."
"The games and videos were great. It was nice to be able to interact with the materials with my peers. That will help reinforce the games we will play in class."
"Clear information and lots of time to talk to other teachers."
"The resources for games and tricks to build math fluency"
"New knowledge of teaching mathematical concepts in my classroom"
Responses: 5

"Include TK (transitional kindergarten) content"
"Next time, I think these trainings should be earlier in the year. It was hard to go to the last one so late in the year because I didn't feel like it would be useful and things got busy going back to full time in person."
"None at this time"
Responses: 4

"None at this time"
Responses: 4

"Thank you!"
"Thank you!"
"I look forward to adding components to my.math block"