2019-2020 Impact Literacy Achievement - 2nd & 3rd Grade: Course 7

Section: READ20200016


Responses: 12

"Modeling, great reading strategies, collaboration with teammates"
"Great information I can use in my classroom to help all of my students!"
"A great new approach to teaching reading."
"Amazing program that is being developed. Can't wait to see my scholars soar. "
"I left with a great deal to think about. I am excited about using this routine in my classroom. "
"I was able to apply it to my classroom the very next day!!!"
"I appreciate the quick phonological routine to catch the strugglers and work on these skills with the strugglers to hopefully close those gaps. I also appreciated the perfect sentence part of the routine to hopefully eliminate the need for capital and punctuation reminders all the time."
"Great scope and sequence. A much needed piece in reading! "
"Shift in thinking and focus for the WSD."
"Knowledgable Dr. Staci Bain"
"There was a good mix between theory and practice. The presenter was interesting, energetic and engaging. "
"I left the workshop motivate to try the things I had learned!"
Responses: 11

"I would have liked another day or 2 to really digest all the information."
"Maybe a little time for teams to work together to make a plan to implement. Also, it seemed like the intro. on day one was a little long. More time could have spent giving teams processing time."
"Materials that match the presentation. Spent too much time trying to figure out where we were in the packets and missed content. Please stop snapping and clapping at the educators."
"I really feel like I need more modeling to get the routine down. "
"Demonstrate the entire routine from the lens of actual 2nd grade wonders content-- not just the phoneme part, but the comprehension skills included."
"Too much, too sudden??"
"Maybe don't criticize past practices of WSD so disrespectfully...we were doing the best we knew how with research at that time. I agree with the current path the district is taking with current research however the delivery was harsh. Also, the sell on how much we are saving as a district was a bit over the top, lighten up a bit. "
"How to implement it in the Spanish Dual Language SLA/Science"
"Giving the trainings at the end of the year with expectations of implementation the following year would have been a little more realistic. It was overwhelming to have two days of intensive training with the expectation of immediate implementation. "
"Time to practice the routines, and troubleshoot would be beneficial."
Responses: 2

"Will this be the expectation moving forward that all classrooms will be using the 60 minute routine?"
"I am still not sure how to differentiate for the High students and the rigor of all of our 2nd grade standards."
Responses: 4

"Great professional development!"
"Thank you for bringing Impact Literacy to our district. I used these routines years ago in other district and saw the 'impact' it had on our learning environment. I was pressured by our large district to abandon these effective routines, yet finally being able to see it come full circle to use what works!!! "
"It would be much easier to jump on board and wrap our heads around if this routine was presented and then we were told where and how to start small. Such as the entire 2nd grade in the district is just going to start with these 2 or 3 specific parts of the routine like the alphabet and the perfect sentence or the phonological routine first and then build upon that. It's not okay to tell a group of teachers that what they have been doing for years is not working at all and expect them to throw everything out all at once. We are professionals too, we don't continue to do things that don't work just because. Are there areas to improve and make changes, yes-all the time and we are all for that. We just need to be allowed to take it one or two steps at a time in a directed way and not discounted for what we have been doing on a daily basis for years."
"All in all, this was an amazing training. The theory behind reading science is sound. "