2019-2020 Jumpstart Your GLAD® Implementation

Section: INST20200012


Responses: 4

"This course was professional development at its best. Effective, relevant, brain researched learning strategies were taught through example, modeling, and discussion. The most valuable part is the Make-and-Take in the afternoon. It is so helpful to have supplies and the expertise of the trainers a to help create materials needed for high level lessons that all students can access."
"The instructors were amazing and everything "clicked". "
"Whole group structure followed by availability for one on one time allowed for everyone attending to really get what they needed. "
"I appreciate the work of our GLAD trainers. They did a wonderful job of presenting the research behind the GLAD strategies. "
Responses: 1

"Make this part of principal days so more teachers will be encouraged to come."
Responses: 0

Responses: 1

"Thank you so much. I was overwhelmed starting a new grade-level this year. I didn't know where to begin. After this class, I felt relaxed and excited for a new school year and the challenge of a new grade level."