2024-2025 SafeSchools Training - Returning Employees

Section: SAFE20250002


Responses: 90

"Training was on-demand."
"The content and the exams of the training were easy to follow and useful/applicable information for my job."
"Flexibility in completing the work"
"Very informative"
"It was a good experience refreshing the knowledge and updates and also the new courses. "
"I like that the district was upfront about when the training needed to be completed. Several years ago, the due date for the class was posted as Dec 30 or 31, but I got reprimanded for not completing the courses by Nov 1 because "we gave you time to complete it during conference week", but special ed itinerants don't get to block out that time because our conference day meetings are scheduled by 15-20 different teachers. "
"Motivation, problem solving, communication, and technical know-how."
"Good information applicable to my current job assignment"
"useful infromation"
"A good reminder for all the subjects "
"When a child needs extra help such as diabetes it is good for us to know what we need to do. "
"Organized "
"Great training, very important information."
"The content on every unit was very clear and it also shared effective strategies to be used in different situations. "
"Refresh information"
"The content of this program"
"Great communication"
"The newest, updated information is included in each subject area."
"There are some good videos."
"Applicable, easy to understand."
"Online content"
"It is good to update my knowledge to use in my work."
"Straight forward"
"Small chunks of information made it easy to understand"
"I always appreciate the review from all the SafeSchools updated information."
"Good to have the session on safe boundaries/relationships"
"I was able to achieve 100% passing scores with almost all of my quizzes without watching any of the actual lessons."
"I can do it as my schedule allows."
"lots of information to be applied to the job "
"It was an asset to have this information and trainig prior to the start of the school year."
"the instructor was amazing"
"I love the speaker she always does an amazing job of keeping it upbeat and keeping our attention"
"Self paced"
"The wealth of erudition imparted through the course of instruction proved to be nothing short of awe-inspiring, leaving an indelible impression upon my consciousness."
"Some of the safe school trainings are good reminders for the beginning of the year."
"safe schools "
"straight forward"
"Nice to do when convenient "
"Self delivered"
"good teaching training"
"I appreciate the updated videos and learned some new facts this year."
"valuable information"
"good staff collab"
"The information is practical for use in our school system"
"Can do at own pace"
"Samuel Neumann"
"Videos where clear and in a professional manner."
"Self paced trainings."
"It has important information for my job."
"Easy program to maneuver "
"Instructor was engaging"
"Good strategies on how to deal with disruptive students in the classroom."
"I appreciate having access to these materials early in the year to work on them a bit at a time. I also like completing them on a computer and not having to submit anything else after taking the test to demonstrate completion. "
"I appreciated the extra training!"
"Good, relevant, important information "
"Too many"
"Good content"
"Can do it On line at own pace"
"Perfect program yearly "
"It is a good review."
"The self-paced program makes it easier to take in all of the information."
"Subject areas were appropriate."
"Training was on-demand."
"Ample time to finish"
"Always good to have a refresher "
"Do at your own pace"
"Good review"
"Concise and informative "
Responses: 73

"Test out option if you know the content let us test out and skip the video if you don't pass the test make us go back and watch it "
"Remove the long ones"
"It took a lot of time. Maybe it could have been broken. Up"
"The information in the sexual grooming of students (don't invite kids to your classroom alone, don't offer friendship, etc.) directly clashed with the information about LGTBQ+ students (invite them to your classroom alone, offer friendship, etc.)"
"Does all of this need to be repeated annually? "
"Fire Extinguisher session was more difficult than necessary "
"Content of each subject area needs improvement to match learning goals better. "
"Keep doing it "
"None "
"Don't force us to do this every year. It's a giant waste of time."
"Let us test out of the training like Spokane public schools gets to "
"I think some of the trainings are too long, in part, because they contain material that is too detailed to be 100% relevant to the work of regular classroom teachers. Shorten them up, especially for teachers who have done this so many times. Also, because we do them in isolation, we don't really have any interaction on them, except when the nurses review epipens, etc. I don't think there's anything we should or can do about that given the mode of delivery and how busy staff is, but it's not ideal teaching strategy. I would love to hear recommendations for organizing all the information from the nurses about individual students' and their conditions. I print and save these, but it seems like an overwhelming amount of information to try to remember. In the moment, re-reading these documents might not be possible."
"More videos from real life experiences."
"needs to be structured for m&o more then teachers and students"
"It would be beneficial for the tech department to train on: Artificial Intelligence for Educators Email and Messaging Safety"
"Some of the videos are the same every year. It would be nice to change it up a bit. Also so of the vdeos we too longh and repetitive."
"OSPI made the Title IX updates job specific and expressed that employees should only view one based on their position. Admin had to view a longer more complex one as part of our job. It was frustrating that we were assigned the generic one through safe schools knowing that OSPI had intentionally developed them so this sort of time overlap was not necessary."
"more training like these"
"Adding trainings about working with Special Education students and/or ML learners. "
"I would suggest releasing the entire slate of courses at the same time. It was frustrating to think I was done only to find out I had more to complete."
"It is just a lot - are there ones that are no longer necessary or can be consolidated"
"Not enough time allowed. Please shorten the requirements, especially if an employee has taken the courses before; perhaps only assign essential topics or new topics."
"Get rid of the fire extinguisher one!!"
"We don't need all of these trainings every year. we don't need the full fire extinguisher video and some could be every other year as a reminder "
"To venture upon the audacious endeavor of augmenting that which has already ascended to the zenith of flawlessness would be an act of unmitigated hubris."
"If I can pass the test at the end without watching the videos, I shouldn't have to waste time watching them."
"Why fire extinguishers? I have difficulty seeing how this level of detail is needed. "
"Can't staff that have done this for YEARS without any issues somehow get this waived?"
"some more new themes!"
"I would prefer to take all classes required all at once instead of adding classes here and there."
"please allow for the videos to be speed adjusted. Some of us listen to audiobooks/podcasts/etc. at double time. It would be nice to be able to adjust these or to be able to use an extension that would adjust them."
"I do not think the LGBQT+ training is necessary. Other specific groups are not given equal time, attention, and consideration, and while this practice of extra time and service to one group may meet our "goal" of equity, but it seems off for equality."
"do on own"
"Can it be changed up a bit each year? Provide option to test out."
"There are repetitive videos. Redundant."
"The fire extinguisher module was truly awful- and designed to trick. I am hoping this is not a yearly module. "
"the fire safety quiz was very specific and hard."
"Less time"
"I don't think that all of these tests are needed, especially the fire one. Our main concern is to get the children out of the building, therefore I do not feel that we need to become fire marshals. Also, taking these tests once a year and more and more tests being added just adds to our overloaded plate. "
"NA "
"no suggestions"
"No suggestions for now. "
"More examples of real life situations"
"Most of the training was catered to General Education teachers and paras. It would be very beneficial to have more specific or even separate training for Special Education staff. Especially involving safety, medical emergencies, de-escalation, and information about working with kids with special needs. "
"doing ok."
Responses: 48

"No questions. "
"no questions"
"Do we really need this many tests and every year?"
"How much more"
"The lucidity and comprehensiveness with which the information has been presented have left no room for ambiguity or doubt, thereby obviating the necessity for further elucidation."
"No questions at this time"
"not now"
"Is the fire extinguisher questions necessary as it was filled with content that is not applicable to most staff and their role. "
"Why do we need the maintenance & science of fire extinguishers when, at most, we will use a fire extinguisher?"
"Could we have a 1-2 page cheat sheet covering just the essential actions needed in each situation for teachers to refer back to? It might help with recall considering this is a just a one-off at the beginning of the year. "
"Adding more videos each year and only getting 4.5 hours during conferences then having 25 kindergartens makes is hard to accommodate for all families, our own children's conferences as well. Also seemed like all schools started and ended at different times and some had more time during the long late conference then others. "
"Can you please stop forcing us do to do this?"
"Why the fire extinguisher training???"
Responses: 55

"Thank you!"
"This year's version of training was lower quality and less useful than past versions. I've heard many staff respond the same way. "
"The ability to work on this on my own helps me finish when I have time and makes it easier to do."
"Thank you."
"You should only have to do this every 5-6 years. Doing this every year is such a colossal waste of time. "
"Thank You!"
"Thank you for considering my suggestions and questions. "
"Thank you for the training."
"Thank you "
"I was able to completed on my own peace and return to the content as needed."
"Domonique is an excellent instructor!"
"Some of the videos we too long and repetitive."
"none "
"very useful"
"No comments at this time"
"This meticulously crafted pedagogical endeavor, replete with invaluable insights and practical knowledge, constitutes an indispensable investment of our temporal resources. The perspicacious architects of this laudable initiative have demonstrably spared no effort in ensuring its efficacy, imbuing it with a wealth of information that is both edifying and eminently applicable to the realities of our educational milieu."
"Great refresher!"
"I love that the courses are online and I can do them in my free time."
"Overall good"
"NA "
"no comments"
"These trainings have consistently been 3 hours since the district started using them. Boosting this up to 4 1/2 hours without informing staff up front felt like the district was trying to sneak the extra time in, trying to hide the additional requirement from their employees. "
"I took all the Safe Schools courses online at home. Thank you!"
"I don't believe that the lessons on they different types of fires and the lesson on the LGBT community are necessary for my job assignment."
"this is often repetitive year to year."