2022-2023 WSD Professional Learning Day - March 21st - Foothills

Section: INST20230149


Responses: 10

"Amber was great "
"opportunities to share with team and collaborate"
"The SEL portion of my day at Foothills was FANTASTIC!!! It was led by Elissa Johnston and Mark Goveia and it was just what I needed to fill my bucket for the rest of the year!!"
"great ideas and strategies presented in the morning session, great SEL refresher with coworkers"
"Elissa is amazing"
"I enjoy working with my content team and find it extremely helpful!"
"Elissa's presentations and presenting"
"Heinz - the facilitator did a fabulous job teaching strategies"
"helpful websites, examples of using an article"
Responses: 7

"More Corey K"
"Allow the Itinerant Special Ed staff to plan their own PD - we were told to work on paperwork during our non SEL part of the day - it was a gift of time, but a waste of PD time that I could have been spent learning with my SLP team"
"None. It was good to spend quality time with our staff"
"Perhaps when we divided off into grade-bands a bit more direction would have been helpful; a lot of teachers got off task and it became a bit non-productive. I really wanted a chance to practice what we had learned. "
"Review the whole process"
Responses: 6

" None"
"Why can't the Special Ed Itinerant staff be able to plan their own PD?"
"How can I make students accountable during partner/group discussions. I don't feel like I can just tell them to answer some questions...if there is no product to turn in or be held accountable in some way they won't participate."
Responses: 9

"Great day of work in teams"
"It would be cool if, for some of our PD days, each team could be allotted funds to plan subject-specific professional development, with experts in our field, to improve our practice."
"If these days are marked as professional development days, then we should be able to use them as such. Being told to work on paperwork isn't PD and while it was a gift of time, it was a waste of quality PD time with my PLC team"
"Thank you!"
"although I got some good teaching strategies from Jennifer Bay-Williams I still struggle to be able to implement them due to student lack of engagement."
"Thanks Elissa, you're amazing!"