2022-2023 WSD Professional Learning Day - Oct. 14th - Newbery

Section: INST20230086


Responses: 6

"Fun activities were shared"
"Great foundational strategies for math instruction"
"She was great...she just went over everything we used to teach with Bridges and number corner."
"Loved going through foundational mathematical practices and learning some games we could walk away with to implement right away. "
"It was great to have a guru training us! Thank you!"
"Playing games and getting a refresher on fluency progressions and different modes of teaching. Best practices vs. curriculum that doesn’t match needs of students in our classroom."
Responses: 3

"We should have kept our number corner and bridges materials and went with the new updated version of Bridges as our math curriculum. Everything she went over isn't iReady at all!!"
"Show us the modes (stories) and student dialogue and have us find the important aspects more instead of telling."
Responses: 2

"When she comes back in January...what are we sharing with her?? The reports of our CFA's?? "
Responses: 4

"Would be nice to have more time with this presenter. "
"It was very frustrating to go over all of that great math and then come back and work on data for math that had nothing to do with the information that we just went over with her."
"This was pretty basic and truly probably only appropriate for k-2. Instructor was very nice."
"Please have trainings with grade levels during math trainings. Just about all of this seemed really hard to apply to 5th grade. It is all needed but it seemed more foundational and geared toward the lower grades. It would probably be cheaper as well instead of bringing in someone outside of district. 5th grade at 1 school with a instructional coach, 4th grade at a different school, ect..."