2022-2023 Principal/District Day - LEWIS & CLARK

Section: INST20230007


Responses: 6

"Important information that will be useful throughout the school year. "
"We received an electronic agenda."
"Our day was very full and organized."
"Everyone was upbeat and well organized"
"Well organized, relevant. "
"Information given was important and helpful for the beginning of the year. "
Responses: 6

"Spread the information into digestible chunks including more days. More training days does not mean needing to provide more information. Simply allow for processing and collaboration time with new initiatives introduced and allocate for planning time for teachers."
"Please provide copies for the expectations and resources. Our district subs do not have access to district computers."
"There was way too much compiled into such a short amount of time, all were important and it became hard to stay focus and truly digest all the information on such important topics! "
"Wish there had been more time to review resources together (ex: Nuts & Bolts). "
"Spending more time on the testing tools"
Responses: 3

"When are we going to have time to collaborate as a grade level? "
Responses: 5

"Excellent opening day presentations! Thank you"
"There was a lot of new information and time was limit. Teams did not have a chance to collaborate on the new goals of the district or discuss the new assessments. Most of the Spanish teachers did not have time to discuss or develop the new Spanish assessments. We need time to collaborate and training on how to assess students. We received this Spanish assessment at the end of the training and had about 20 minutes to see it along with the English assessment. We need more time to process it and receive training on this new assessment. Thank you!!"
"So much information at once. "
"Strong start; excited for this year!"