2022-2023 PLC Team Leader Training

Section: INST20230003


Responses: 31

"Time to work on/practice with SMART goals."
"Great why and expectations. Opportunity for team leaders to practice. Onsite support as needed."
"Amber and Heidi are amazing. Just what the District needs! "
"Janel is so inspiring! Thank you for bringing her in. "
"Great leadership information. I actually felt like I learned how to handle some of the harder situations with my team because of the material on norms and how to have difficult conversations. Also the documents for team leads to use that are district wide are going to lead to much more consistency. Thank you to the people who created them. Best training I have had from the district so far."
"Some great takeaways include the article on conflict, collaboration, and celebration. I got a lot out of the agenda, norms, and SMART goals development."
"Leadership team was able to have lots of great conversations around changes to PLC's which were centered around student growth."
"Enjoyed the time working with colleagues and collaborating with job-alike teachers."
"Time in the afternoon in specific school groups was good."
"Being able to meet with other schools and collaborate. "
"It really helped me to sit down, think and discuss with my team members what we need to make our PLC team effective this coming year."
"The presenter was knowledgeable & positive."
"Time given to work with PLC teams. Helpful to practice SMART goal protocol. "
"Great ideas from a great/smart presenter."
"I got to work with another member of my PLC to create a goal for our first unit, so it is ready to go for the most part. "
"Defining/outlining new district goals "
"Loved having Janel in person - she was great!"
"This training was a huge improvement compared to years past...Thank You!!!!"
"Material was directly related to what we will be presenting to staff. "
"This really helped our LIT team get off on the right foot. Thank you!"
"I like the layout of the resources provided and that there is a vision and clear path for a k-12 system that will hopefully result in greater academic gains."
"It was great to reinforce some of the things we have been doing."
"Collaboration with others in WSD."
" Rey knowledgeable leader"
"Good to have a common expectations for all schools."
"I really appreciate the support and consistent message for team leaders that aligns with our district's vision around PLC's!"
"I liked the SMART-IE goals!"
"The focus on how to implement it right away."
"The guest speaker was amazing!"
Responses: 15

"Internet access limited what could be accomplished to some point. Making sure the capacity is established before the training starts would be more effective."
"I would like more processing and collaboration time with my team. We were tasked with prompts and tasks that required some deep thinking and discourse, but were rushed through the task to setting for less. I really wanted to build something to have a tangible take-away from the development. Additionally, the space wasn't suitable for our crowd for numerous reasons."
"Sitting all day at the cafeteria tables was brutal, regular chairs would be better on adult backs and hips."
"We needed more time to work through things and we kept getting "cut-off" with time. Which I understand, but it would have been nice to have more collab time with each other."
"I think it may have been more efficient/relevant to have a separate training for elementary and high school? Or, have a plan to better facilitate the different groups? With that said I do acknowledge that pull out time in the afternoon helped.."
"I do not believe we had enough time to work as a team to process what we would be doing this year. Personally, I felt overwhelmed and stressed at how we would accomplish the goals set for us this year. I wish this training had been done over the course of two 6 hour sessions rather than 1."
"The presenter spoke too fast and I tended to tune out. Slow down. "
"I would have liked more time to work on setting goals. "
"Text materials on the Google Slides were too small for such a large room. Keep that in mind for the future. This is not a very comfortable location for an extended training. The benches are hard, and it's very loud when everyone is trying to converse together. I did appreciate the opportunities to get up."
"Not sure"
"The cafeteria seating was tough for me. "
"Make sure groups are small enough to where everyone can have a voice during break out sessions"
Responses: 8

"None at the moment :)"
"1. Will there be more guidance for singletons or people meeting on multiple teams at the high school? PLC's for courses that only last one semester and with teams that only meet every other week at best cannot be as effective as those who meet every week and/or who teach the same courses. 2. Does coming prepared mean that we will be doing even more of the work of PLC's on our own time? Naturally, we are already doing some of it, but even more time spent on data gathering for meetings is a concern."
"Is it really doable this year to meet the goal expectations, particularly in non traditional schools and programs? I get really concerned when the push for data seems to be geared for pre/post testing results with the assumption being these are generated from standard testing mechanisms. What about ELL students (translation apps do not always use the correct terms in technical applications like science and math). Or for extremely test anxiety folks who actually know and can communicate understanding of concepts. I feel this is too data driven without a full understanding of how the data is collected, and this does not represent true outcomes. I could go on…"
"How will elementary specialists be expected to work on PLCs? Will the google site have more places for elementary specials be able to do the same work that is expected of grade level teams? "
Responses: 13

"Thank you for this support and all the work that has gone into creating templates."
"Great training. Thanks Amber & Heidi for your leadership!"
"This training is truly setting our team leaders up for success!! "
"While I'm still feeling a bit anxious about the process, I do feel supported by my admin and know I can go to them at any time if I need help."
"The presenter did a great job. "
"Thank you for these efforts to improve instruction for students in the Wenatchee School District."
"I outlined the beginnings of my concerns previously. As for the presentation and leadership for the session, it was well orchestrated and followed what was supposed to be presented. "
"Thank you!"
"Thank you WSD for supporting PLC work and team leaders. "
"Thank you for investing in students and staff and for providing high quality staff development! So much appreciation!"
"Great Workshop"